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Countdown to Sunrise, Southern Africa

Countdown to Sunrise, Southern Africa

The last days of Apartheid

Editorial Academica Espanola ( 26.03.2019 )

€ 98,90

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This book summarizes inter alia, the most relevant events that contributed to the liquidation of apartheid in South Africa; the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 435 on the Independence of Namibia and withdrawal of the invading South African troops and the Cuban international forces from Angola. It gives an all but a sweeping outline of the internal and external circumstances which caused the government of Samora Machel in Mozambique to negotiate with South Africa the so-called Nkomati agreements; the methodic and tenacious anti-apartheid struggle of the African National Congress lead by Oliver Tambo and Nelson Mandela; the invasions of Angola by the racist army from Pretoria and the MPLA, led by Agostinho Neto determined fight to preserve Angola independence; the fight by SWAPO lead by San Nujoma for Namibian independence; the role of Cuba led by its Commander-in-Chief, Fidel Castro Ruz in the entire Southern African negotiation and liberation process. It shows that this whole process is one of the most exalting pages of the history of humanity in the 20th century, following centuries of colonial domination in Africa.

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Por (autor):

Oscar Oramas Oliva

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