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Conceptualization of Social Business Model

Conceptualization of Social Business Model

qualitative exploration of the dimensions and the configurations

Editorial Academica Espanola ( 2018-03-20 )

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The objective of this investigation is to develop the concept of BMS.Consequently, this investigation allowed to determine a theoretical frame to generate a typology, in brief of presenting a grille of operational reading of the multiple dimensions the strategic visions of the social entrepreneurs to the BMS.Therefore, three stages have been counter comings: first a theoretical overall view on the key concepts of the notion of new social enterprise;the applied method is that of the studies of case, more particularly the associations have been selected to lucrative objective for that there look simultaneously the economic benefit and the accomplishment of the social objective.Second an exploration of study of qualitative case to make to emerge the conceptualization of BMS from a survey to 14 social entrepreneurs, this way to know his strategic visions in the social enterprise.Then, after having presented the dimensions and the logical joint between the constitutive dimensions of BMS, We show a presentation and analysis of the results obtained by the visions of the social entrepreneurs.Finally, the results show the profiles of the strategic visions of the social entrepreneurs in BMS.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Mónica Liliana Ramírez Álvarez

Number of pages:


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Business management