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Human Rights Violations and Foreign Non-Contractual Civil Liability

Human Rights Violations and Foreign Non-Contractual Civil Liability

Merida Initiative and United States Tort Claims Act

Editorial Academica Espanola ( 2019-01-03 )

€ 39,90

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The Merida Initiative is a program to fight illicit narcotics trafficking and criminal organizations throughout the Western Hemisphere signed by Mexico and the United States in 2007. It authorizes the United States to aid Mexico in counternarcotic and countertrafficking activities, operational technology, public security, etc. On the other hand, the Alien Tort Claims Act allows foreigners to seek remedies in US courts for violation of human rights committed outside of the United States. Petitioners must be alien and claim to have been the victim of a prejudice or tort, which constitutes a violation to the law of nations. The claim can be made when there are no adequate remedies in the place where the prejudice or tort occurred. The Mérida Initiative have deepened human rights violations in Mexico.U.S. funds, firearms, technology and other resources allocated through the Merida Initiative are used in Mexico for violation of human rights. These violations touch and concern the territory of the United States with sufficient force. Thus, the Alien Tort Claims Act can be invoked by Mexican victims of such violations under the framework of the Merida Initiative.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Pastora Melgar Manzanilla
Daniel Márquez Gómez

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