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Research Development in High School Students through PBM

Research Development in High School Students through PBM

Problem Based Methodology

Editorial Academica Espanola ( 28.01.2019 )

€ 71,90

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This qualitative case study presents the analysis of, what a Problem Based Methodology informed us about the research development, in eleventh graders at a private school in Villa de Leyva, while they were developing their research project in English in order to obtain their high school diploma. The PBL (Project Based Learning) methodology was developed in eight regular and organized sessions with three eleventh graders during three months. The instruments used to obtain the information in this study were, Focus Groups interviews, diaries, and Field notes; the data obtained through these three instruments was analyzed and provided insights about the research development in eleventh graders. In accordance with the findings of this study, it was found that students started building collaborative nets when they were giving and receiving feedback; students started becoming more critical and developed critical reading attitudes, which made them think differently about research and encouraged them to evolve their research project concept.

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Por (autor):

Yudy Mariana Ibañez Galindo

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Los métodos de la investigación social empírica y cualitativa