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A conceptual approach and construction of integration model of BMS

A conceptual approach and construction of integration model of BMS

Case of elder's houses in Colombia

Editorial Academica Espanola ( 03.04.2018 )

€ 39,90

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This investigation proposes a construction of integration model that contributes to comprehension of the concept of BMS and the entrepreneurial dynamics. This of integration model do that the social entrepreneur adopt diverse strategies in his social enterprises across the actions reactive, proactive and preactive. In fact, three stages are put in execution. From the opportunities offered by the environment on the criteria of entrepreneurial continuity, the resources needed for the development of the processes organizational and the aspirations of the social entrepreneur for his vision and strategic chooses of the social enterprise. Then, the applied method is that of the studies of case, more particularly the associations have been selected by lucrative ends that look simultaneously for the economic benefit and the accomplishment of the social objectives. The construction of an integration model has been illustrated for the results of the exploratory investigation from the story of life of the social entrepreneurs inside Social Business Model, In these conditions to show the predominant strategic visions of success inside the sanitary and social organizations.

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Mónica Liliana Ramírez Álvarez

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